
“Miracles are possible; there’s just too much evidence to believe otherwise.”

Broken Pieces: Week #3 April 5, 2020

“Put God first! When we put our wants first God is dethroned in our relationships.”

Greater Series: Thriving Marriages February 14, 2021

“We can be smart. We can be educated. We can have experience. And we can have opinions. But if we are not humble enough to be seeking the Lord, well, then we do not have wisdom.”

Proverbs Series: Humility August 2, 2020


“If we aren’t putting our trust in God, if we aren’t trusting in His Word, if we aren’t allowing God’s voice to be louder than the voices around us (or within us), then we won’t know peace, we wont know victory, we won’t know His purposes and plans for our life. ”

In God We Trust November 8, 2020

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