Rule Over Us

The Israelites said to Gideon, “Rule over us–you, your son and your grandson–because you have saved us from the hand of Midian.” But Gideon told them, “I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The LORD will rule over you.” (Judges 8:22-23, NIV)

You have to respect the heart of a man like Gideon who could have been made king, but realized that there was already one King who sat upon the throne that the Israelites needed to acknowledge with their hearts. It is easy to fall for the words and praise of those around us, but we would do wise to remember that there is already one King and His throne is not to be shared. Continue reading

Can Not Comprehend

I am grateful that my son can safely stand at a memorial dedicated to all those who served in WW II, vialis 40mg with the Lincoln Memorial at the edge of the horizon, and at 5 years old have no comprehension of the price paid for his freedom and liberties. Much like when I first accepted Christ into my heart–I was so unaware of just all that He had done for me. Continue reading

Theoretical and Practical Help

The Elephant in the Marriage offers married couples, from a Christian perspective, both theoretical and practical help to allow them to fulfill their goals for healthy relationships. Jason Karampatsos, Ph.D., has the insight to offer this help, based on his perspective as a licensed clinical professional counselor, ordained minister, husband and father. He draws on the wisdom of great thinkers ranging from Plato to Carl Rogers.  Then he offers very practical suggestions to his readers so they may develop communication skills that help them understand how their “perspectives inform” their perceptions, and how their “perceptions are greater than reality.” This book is a “must read” for newlyweds as well as those who have been married for many decades. Continue reading