Tag: Perspective
Two Questions
There are only two questions you need to ask yourself; are you happy or are you unhappy? If you are happy, then you have nothing to worry about. If you are unhappy, there are two simple questions you need to ask yourself; will you be happy or will you stay unhappy? If you’ll be happy,…
Did not understand
Quick thought for today. When Jesus fed the 5,000 in Mark 6, the disciples had a front row seat. They saw some pretty amazing things in their day, and this had to be atop the list. Problem is, they didn’t get it. They did not understand what was going on. From their limited perspective they…
What do you need to change in the new year?
Happy New Year. As the Christmas season settles down we quickly turn our attention to the end of the year “best of” lists and begin thinking about what the new year holds. As one year gives way to the next it is all too easy to make simple comparisons and even begin to become anxious…
Didn’t See Him
Most of us have a routine in the morning, mine begins with waking up at 5:30, spending time with God, and ends with me grabbing a dress shirt on my way out the door around 8:15. There are a lot of variables in between the alarm clock and me reaching for my car keys, the biggest…
Do You See What I See?
“Do you see what I see?” Isn’t it amazing how often we can be standing right next to someone, looking in the same direction, and see the same thing so differently. Henry David Thoreau famously quipped, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” We can be absolutely convinced that we…
greatly underestimated
“Our perspectives are far more important than many give them credit for, tadalafil and their influence on our perceptions is often greatly underestimated.” –Jason Karampatsos, PhD